

        愛爾眼科醫(yī)院集團是具有中國及全球范圍醫(yī)院規(guī)模和優(yōu)質(zhì)醫(yī)療能力的眼科醫(yī)療集團,服務覆蓋亞洲、歐洲和北美洲,在中國內(nèi)地、歐洲、東南亞擁有3家上市公司(中國A股:愛爾眼科,300015;西班牙:CBAV;新加坡:40T)。目前在全球范圍內(nèi)開設眼科醫(yī)院及中心達723家,其中中國內(nèi)地610家、中國香港7家、美國1家、歐洲93家、東南亞12家。2021年,中國內(nèi)地年門診量超1500萬人次,手術量超100萬臺,醫(yī)療服務網(wǎng)絡覆蓋全球近30億人口(注:愛爾眼科旗下機構數(shù)量更新截至2021年12月31日,來源愛爾眼科醫(yī)院集團股份有限公司《2021年度社會責任報告》)。 AIER Eye Hospital Group is a leading ophthalmic medical group (eye-care service provider) with domestic and global footprint and high-standard medical care capacity, serving patients across Asia, Europe, and North America. AIER has three public-trading companies listed in China, Europe, and Southeast Asia, respectively (Shenzhen Stock Market: AIER, 300015; Spain BME: CBAV; Singapore SGX: 40T). We have so far established 723 ophthalmic hospitals and centers across the world, including 610 hospitals and centers in mainland China, 7 in Hong Kong, China, 1 in the United States, 90 in Europe, and 12 in Southeast Asia. In 2021, we served more than 15 million outpatient visits and preformed over 1 million surgeries in mainland China. Our medical service network covers approximately 3 billion people worldwide. 愛爾眼科始終堅持以國內(nèi)發(fā)展為主線,國內(nèi)國際雙線并舉,共同進步。在發(fā)展的過程中,致力于引進和吸收國際同步的眼科技術與醫(yī)療管理理念,以專業(yè)化、規(guī)?;⒖茖W化為發(fā)展戰(zhàn)略,推動中國眼科醫(yī)療事業(yè)的發(fā)展。通過不斷實踐,在充分吸收國際優(yōu)質(zhì)的醫(yī)療管理經(jīng)驗的基礎上,成功探索出一套適應中國國情和市場環(huán)境的眼科醫(yī)院連鎖經(jīng)營管理模式——“分級連鎖”,充分發(fā)揮人才、技術和管理等方面的優(yōu)勢,提升診療質(zhì)量、完善醫(yī)療服務、優(yōu)化醫(yī)患溝通。 Domestic market is the core business of AIER and international market plays a more and more important role in our global strategy. We are committed to introducing and absorbing the cutting-edge technology and advanced management concepts, as well as to contributing to the evolution of China's ophthalmology market, in a specialized, scaled-up and scientific way. AIER has successfully explored the business model in line with China’s national and market condition through continuous practice- the “hierarchical chain”- to fully utilize advantages in talent, technology and management so as to achieve better clinical outcome, to improve service standard and to optimize communication between patients and medical personnel. 科研創(chuàng)新、人才培養(yǎng)是長遠發(fā)展的基石,愛爾眼科不斷加大科研投入,大力支持開展前沿性、原創(chuàng)性的眼科學術研究,全力推進全球化平臺上的眼健康生態(tài)圈戰(zhàn)略。自2013年愛爾眼科與中南大學聯(lián)合成立中南大學愛爾眼科學院,正式開啟校企合作的創(chuàng)新探索以來,陸續(xù)推動了與湖北科技學院、武漢大學、暨南大學、安徽醫(yī)科大學、天津大學、四川大學等知名高校的戰(zhàn)略合作,充分發(fā)揮企業(yè)和高校的獨特優(yōu)勢,在醫(yī)院共建、人才培養(yǎng)、師資隊伍建設、教學科研等領域展開深入合作,聯(lián)手共建眼科醫(yī)教研平臺,合力打造“名校+名企”典范,為社會培養(yǎng)更多優(yōu)秀的眼科醫(yī)學人才,真正地為中國眼科學和視覺科學的創(chuàng)新發(fā)展貢獻智慧與力量。 Scientific research innovation and talent cultivation are the cornerstones of long-term development. We vigorously support the development of original and cutting-edge scientific research and make ourselves committed to creating a closed-loop ophthalmic ecosystem on a global platform by gradually increasing investment. Since the joint establishment of AIER School of Ophthalmology of Central South University?by AIER and Central South University?in 2013, an innovative exploration of school-enterprise cooperation was officially launched. AIER then successively promoted strategic cooperation with well-known universities, such as Hubei University of Science and Technology, Wuhan University, Jinan University, Anhui Medical University, Tianjin University, and Sichuan University, etc. AIER and the universities are sharing the same goal to build an integrated education and research platform by leveraging the strengths of “Good Company” and “Famous University” through in-depth collaboration in areas of hospital co-management, talent and faculty training, academic development and scientific research, so as to train excellent ophthalmic talents for the community, as well as to contribute our wisdom and power to the evolution of the ophthalmology and vision science in China. 在此基礎上,愛爾眼科持續(xù)打造立體化科研平臺,截止目前已在全國范圍內(nèi)構建起“八所、二站、二基地、三中心”的創(chuàng)新型科教研一體化平臺?!鞍怂保簮蹱栄劭蒲芯克蹱栄垡暪庋芯克?、愛爾角膜病研究所、愛爾屈光研究所、愛爾視網(wǎng)膜研究所、愛爾青光眼研究所、愛爾白內(nèi)障與人工晶狀體研究所、武漢愛爾眼科研究所。獲批設立“二站”:國家博士后科研工作站、湖南省院士專家工作站;“二基地”:湖南省眼視光國際科技合作基地、湖南省“海智計劃”工作基地;“三中心”:湖南省眼視光工程技術研究中心、湖南省眼表疾病臨床醫(yī)學研究中心、湖南省企業(yè)技術中心;聯(lián)合共建“愛爾眼科-中科院計算所數(shù)字眼科聯(lián)合實驗室”等創(chuàng)新平臺。 Based on this, AIER continued to create a comprehensive scientific research platform. Up to now, an innovative platform integrating science, education and research.?“Eight Institutes, Two Stations, Two Bases, and Three Centers”?has been established nationwide. “Eight Institutes” refers to Eye Institute, Optometry & Visual Science Institute, Keratoconus Institute, Refractive Institute, Retina Institute, Glaucoma Institute, Cataract Institute, and AIER Ophthalmic Research Institute in Wuhan; “Two Stations” refers to National Post-Doctorates R&D Workstation?and Academician Expert Hunan Provincial Workstation, which was established after approval; “Two Bases”?refers to Hunan International Optometry Science and Technology Cooperation Base?and HOME Program work base in Hunan Province; “Three Centers”?refers to Hunan Optometry Engineering Technology Research Center, Hunan Ocular Surface Disease Clinical Medicine Research Center, and Hunan Enterprise Technology Center; meanwhile various innovative platforms such as “AIER-ICT Digital Ophthalmology Joint Laboratory” were jointly established. 上市十年之際,愛爾眼科以“創(chuàng)新驅(qū)動,科技愛爾”作為指導方針,提出三大戰(zhàn)略目標。第一個目標是要將愛爾眼科的醫(yī)療服務網(wǎng)絡覆蓋到廣大城鄉(xiāng)縣域,讓老百姓在家門口就能享受到高質(zhì)量的、可及的眼科醫(yī)療服務,助推健康中國戰(zhàn)略。第二個目標是希望通過打造世界級及國家級的眼科醫(yī)學中心,切實提高中國眼科醫(yī)療技術水平,趕超世界先進水平。第三個目標是希望通過全球化布局,醫(yī)、教、研、產(chǎn)、投全面協(xié)同發(fā)展,推動人類眼科學與視覺科學進步。 On the 10th?Anniversary of listing, AIER took “Innovation Driven and Technology Empowered” as the guideline and proposed three strategic goals. The first goal is to expand the medical service network into vast urban and rural areas, enabling patients to experience convenient and high-quality ophthalmic medical service, implementing the strategy of “Healthy China”. The second goal is to continuously improve ophthalmic medical technology in China and to be recognized as world-level excellence by building up world-class and national-level ophthalmic medical center. The last but not the least goal is to promote advancement of human ophthalmology and visual science through global footprint as well as coordinated development of medicine, education, research, production and investment. 在十九年的創(chuàng)業(yè)發(fā)展歷程中,愛爾眼科凝聚和培養(yǎng)了一批經(jīng)驗豐富、具有開拓創(chuàng)新精神的管理團隊和醫(yī)術精良、治學嚴謹?shù)难劭茖<液歪t(yī)生團隊。截至目前,愛爾眼科醫(yī)院集團及旗下全球員工總數(shù)達50000余人,其中眼科醫(yī)生及視光師總數(shù)(含海外) 9000余人,包括一大批博士生導師、碩士生導師、博士、博士后、留學歐美的學者以及臨床經(jīng)驗豐富的核心專家。 Through the past 19-year growth and expansion, AIER has attracted and cultivated a group of experienced management team with innovative spirit, as well as a team of well-trained ophthalmologists and doctors with excellent medical skills and rigorous scholarship. At present, AIER has more than 50,000 employees worldwide. Among them, 9,000 are ophthalmologists and optometrists (including domestic and overseas), with a big group of doctoral supervisors, master supervisors, doctors, post-doctors, oversea scholars, and even core experts with extensive clinical experiences. 愛爾眼科的發(fā)展壯大始終以“使所有人,無論貧窮富裕,都享有眼健康的權利”為初心和使命,致力于全人類的光明事業(yè),堅持“以患者為中心”,追求社會責任和自身發(fā)展的和諧統(tǒng)一。通過開創(chuàng)性的“交叉補貼”模式,在為患者提供更高品質(zhì)的眼科醫(yī)療服務的同時,全面開展防盲治盲工作、投身社會公益、幫助弱勢群體,積極聯(lián)合社會各界力量,推動中國防盲事業(yè)乃至國民眼健康事業(yè)的全面發(fā)展。2018年、2020年蟬聯(lián)第十屆、第十一屆中國政府榮譽慈善獎項“中華慈善獎”、榮獲中國公益年會“中國公益企業(yè)獎”、“最佳社會責任上市公司”、“湖南慈善獎”等榮譽。同時積極響應國家號召,作為中國代表企業(yè)牽頭參與“一帶一路光明行”、“湄公河光明行”等公益活動,獲得組織者、受援國政府和患者的高度好評,逐步發(fā)展成為全球慈善公益活動的一張名片。 The growth of AIER always sticks to the original intention and mission of “Enabling everyone, no matter rich or poor, has the right to eye health”. We are committed to the bright future of all human beings, insisting on “patient-oriented” principle, and pursuing the harmonious unity of social responsibility and self-development. By adopting the pioneering “Cross Subsidy?Model”, while offering our patients higher-quality ophthalmic medical service, AIER also comprehensively carries out blindness prevention and treatment, devotes to public welfare, helps vulnerable groups, and actively unites all forces from society, promoting the comprehensive development of China’s blindness prevention and even the eye health career of citizens. In 2018?and 2020, AIER was awarded the 10th and the 11th “China Charity Award” by Chinese Government. Besides, we were also awarded many other honors, such as “China Public Welfare Enterprise Award”, “Best Socially Responsible Public Company”, and “Hunan Charity Award”, etc. Moreover, AIER responded positively to the national appeal and took the lead in different public benefit activities such as “The Belt and Road Brightness Campaign” and “Mekong Brightness Campaign”, winning unanimous praise from organizers, aid recipient governments and patients. In this way, AIER has been gradually regarded as a representative of global philanthropy activities. 愛爾眼科連續(xù)多年被權威機構評為“中國最受投資者尊重的上市公司前十強”,蟬聯(lián)中國品牌節(jié)“華譜獎”,榮獲“最佳持續(xù)投資價值獎”、“中國上市公司最佳股東回報獎”、“中國上市公司實業(yè)貢獻大獎”等多項殊榮,成功入選滬深300指數(shù)股、MSCI中國大盤指數(shù)成份股等。 AIER has been rated as “Top 10 Most Valued Public Company in China”?by authoritative institutions for multiple consecutive years. We won the “China Spectrum Award” of China Brand Festival consecutively and many other honors, including “Best Sustainable Investment Value Award”, “Chinese Public Company Best Shareholder Return Award”, and “Chinese Public Company Industrial Contribution Award”, etc. At the same time, AIER was also successfully selected as CSI 300 Index?Stock and MSCI China Index Constituent Stock, etc.


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